Tuesday, May 31, 2011

127 days ago.

One Hundred and Twenty Seven days ago I was on a plane to Spain.
I left all of my friends and family behind. I was nervous, scared, unsure, and excited all at the same time. Now I am more confident, independent, and content.
One hundered and twenty seven days ago I had never left the country.
Now I have been to five different countries.
One hundered and twenty seven days ago I drove everywhere I went.
Now I walk around for up to 4, sometimes 5, hours in a day.
One hundred and twenty seven days ago I worked to live and survive.
Now I want to work to travel.

I could go on and on, but I won't. It's crazy to sit and think about my time here and the changes I've made.
I've been very busy this month. Four guests have come to see Meredith and me in Spain. Starting off with her boyfriend Clark and then Meredith's friend Sarah. Clark and Sarah were a hoot. I'm so glad I finally got to meet them. Since being in Spain, Meredith and I have talked a lot about the people in our lives. So I felt as if I've known Sarah and Clark for awhile because I knew so much about them before they even got here.

The four of us ran off to London for a few days.

Tower Bridge in London.
I use picnik.com to edit my photos.

We found platform nine and three-quarters after Meredith asked the information booth. The guy looked at her like uhh...between platforms 9 and 10. We all had a good laugh. We also went to the London Symphony, which was spectacular. We ate some amazing food while we were in London thanks to Clark. He had an app on his phone called Yelp. It shows you things that are near to you and people rate their experience there. It was nice for Clark to be around too, because I did not have to navigate this time!
I think my favorite part of the trip though was seeing Meredith with her friends. You could tell she was genuinely happy. Clark and Meredith were hysterical and adorable; Meredith and Sarah were so much fun. AND all three together made it all the better.

Shortly after the London trip one of my best friends Rachel showed up! I was so happy to see a familiar face. I know I got to see everyone at my brother's wedding, but I was so jet lagged that weekend it felt like a dream more than reality.

Rachel minored in french at OSU and has dreamed of going to Paris since she was in the 9th grade. So we jumped on over to Paris for 2 very short, very eventful, fun days.

This is what happens when we are together. haha

My favorite pictures from paris.
again, I use picnik to edit these.

Inside Notre Dame

And of course I had to put this one in here. The pot of gold at the end of our rainbow =)

Rachel and I got to catch up on life. I've missed a lot since coming to Spain. Up until Rachel's visit I felt like I hadn't been here very long, but once we started catching each other up I realized how much I've missed.

I was really excited to show Rachel around Madrid and what my life is like around here. I know she enjoyed herself here, but I'm not sure if she really liked Madrid itself. I guess I was expecting her to love this place as much as I do, but to each their own. Having her here felt like old times. We got to be our normal silly selves like having a day in the park with our roller skates.

In about 18 days my little sister will arrive here! I'll be done with finals, so me and her will get to travel around for two weeks before we head home. I'm excited for Brenna to get here. This will be her first time out of the states as well. I remember how excited I was on my first trip out of Madrid. Can't wait to see that same excitement on her face.

I have a ton of stories from my trips, but it will take forever to write them all out. If you want to know more or hav any questions let me know. I'd be more than happy to share.

Trying to catch y'all up,
Kimee Paige

“Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” – Miriam Beard