Friday, June 17, 2011

Last few days in Spain...

Well, I survived my finals.
How did I do? Eh, we shall see! Ha Ha.

My last few days in Spain are wrapping up pretty quickly. Our friends our slowly making their way back home and we've had to say our good-byes. It's weird because saying good-bye really means good-bye. Back home good-byes mean "I'll eventually see you later", but here really means good-bye. Of course we've all promised to keep in touch and visit eachother again one day, but who knows when that one day will be. It's a little sad, but that's the reality of it all.

I finally got to meet Meredith's parents and two of their friends.
What a wonderful group of people. They are headed off to a Rick Steve's tour together soon. Meredith and I will part ways until sometime in July. Luckly for us, we live close to one another. I have heard that the reverse culture shock is something to be expected, perhaps having Meredith nearby will help reduce that can of worms.

My younger sister will be here saturday and we will be traveling around for 2 weeks!!!!
My heart smiles just thinking about it!
 This will be her first time to Europe. I can't wait to show her what my life has been like here in Spain for 6 months. After I show her around my hood, we will set off for an adventure.

Gosh, I can't believe I will be home so soon...

Let the countdown begin...
Kimee Paige

"There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again"-Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

1 comment:

  1. Kimee, I am so glad you got to have this adventure, and I can't wait to hear about it and see you in July!
